Yes, above is the Game of Thrones premiere. Agile Eye has project managed elements of some of the most prestigious events in the Hollywood and Beverly Hills areas. We thrive working side by side the most talented people in the industry and are proud of how we achieve designer and event goals with complete team effort. We believe highly customized personal service and working seamlessly with sub-contractors yield results that leave clients more than satisfied... they become repeat customers. Our dedication to your event will be tangible and we won't rest until you are raving about and recommending Agile Eye.
Our services can include: Project Management/Coordination, CAD Drawings/Permit Filing, Engineering Client Designs, Custom Fabrication/CNC/Laser Engraving, Truss & Rigging, Decks/Hard Walls, Printing (Step and Repeats/Grand Format/Invitations), Curtains/Fabrics Custom Sewing, Fire Certifications, Transport/Delivery, Installation/Strike Crews. We also provide custom fulfillment and corporate gifting.
View our galleries below to get a sense of the experiences Agile Eye has supported with expert management.
Our services can include: Project Management/Coordination, CAD Drawings/Permit Filing, Engineering Client Designs, Custom Fabrication/CNC/Laser Engraving, Truss & Rigging, Decks/Hard Walls, Printing (Step and Repeats/Grand Format/Invitations), Curtains/Fabrics Custom Sewing, Fire Certifications, Transport/Delivery, Installation/Strike Crews. We also provide custom fulfillment and corporate gifting.
View our galleries below to get a sense of the experiences Agile Eye has supported with expert management.